IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2009, Bucarest (Rumanía). 28 junio - 02 julio 2009
In this paper we revisit the synthesis of the Power System Stabilizers (PSSs) following some recent objectives and constraints imposed by the evolution of the European interconnected power system. Some principles of approaches used in an independent and even concurrent way are combined and enriched to provide a coordinated way to adjust the parameters of standard (IEEE-type) PSS loops of several machines in a large-scale interconnected system in order to simultaneously reach damping objectives for several oscillatory modes of different natures, i.e., both local and inter-area ones. The trade-off performance/robustness is the central point of the approach since, on the one hand, as the European synchronous zone is being continuously expanded, approximative models should be used in order to keep the size of the problem noncritical from the computational point of view. On the other hand, the increasing size of the system leads to the slipping to lower values of the frequency of the inter-area modes. They are thus further from the local modes which stay at higher frequencies and this makes the coordination of the damping actions for both classes more difficult. Full nonlinear validation simulations are run on a realistic large-scale model of the interconnected European power system.
Fecha de publicación: 2009-06-28.
B. Marinescu, B. Mallen, H. Bourlès, L. Rouco, Robust Coordinated Tuning of Parameters of Standard Power System Stabilizers for Local and Global Grid Objectives, IEEE PowerTech Conference - PowerTech 2009, Bucarest (Rumanía). 28 junio - 02 julio 2009.